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Argyll & the Isles Tourism Cooperative (AITC)

We are the strategic destination marketing & management organisation for the whole of the Argyll & Bute region. We market the destination and represent the needs of tourism businesses to numerous stakeholders such as Visit Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Argyll & Bute Council, Forestry Commission, and Loch Lomond National Park Authority.

We also offer paid for marketing services for individual tourism businesses and suppliers across Argyll & the Isles.

Become a Member


What we do

  1. We provide destination leadership & support - including support for investors
  2. We create, distribute, and curate destination marketing content
  3. We consistently monitor and improve discoverability for Argyll & the Isles, its businesses, and events
  4. We enable industry networking & opportunities for collaboration
  5. We offer skills and capabilities development
  6. We have a dedicated PR contractor creating bespoke promotional opportunities
  7. We support businesses in visitor product development
  8. We lobby and represent the needs of the destination on national and regional forums
  9. We promote the destination at travel trade events
  10. We have an expert supporting businesses with travel trade enquiries

What do our members benefit from?

We offer low-cost professional marketing benefits and services to tourism businesses and suppliers across the destination.

When you join AITC, as a co-operative member, you also have a say in how we present our destination and the opportunity to vote on important issues. You join a community of businesses invested in the long term economic and community success of the destination.

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Our Impact

Unique Visitors
194,000+ Wild About Argyll, 211,000 Love Oban

Unique Website Visitors


Website Impressions

Blog Views

Crafted SEO blogs to showcase members.

Social Media

Social Media Following

What our members have to say

Supporting your local tourism industry is now more important than ever and we’re working hard to make Argyll & The Isles a top destination in Scotland for domestic and international tourists. At the core, we are a cooperative, so we’re here to help businesses in the region work together to achieve great results. With loads of fantastic benefits and opportunities for your business, you can explore our membership benefits below or get in touch to discuss how membership could work for you. 

"Great access to events and collaboration and forging relationships with other people but also, which has been so important in the last couple of years, is that lobbying power that they have, that communication through such a difficult and challenging period and being able to see what other businesses were doing, and that support they offered was really invaluable..."


“The opportunity to network has been really varied and vast, but knowing that they are championing you and that they understand who you are, and they market you accordingly, is really important. That [support] came across within the first few weeks and months of being a member...”


Our Member Benefits

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Reach 400k+ visitors through our Wild About Argyll and Love Oban websites.

Have your business & local area promoted across our social media channels, in blogs, news articles, and print media.

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Feature in our consumer newsletter and downloadable destination guides

Opportunity to be highlighted in our visitor campaigns presenting the destination through different themes

Opportunity to be presented and connected to Travel Trade Buyers

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Be connected to suppliers and other businesses for business development opportunities

Join exclusive, free of charge, training workshops on a range of relevant themes

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Connect with our members at our member networking events, Annual General Meeting and our Summit

Have your say about policy development, proposals and issues affecting your business and local area

Support from a local community agent for product development

Membership Categories & Fees

Speak to our team if you are unsure which category is best for you.


Basic Listing Fee only

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with contact details - 1 website location
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

Category A1

Attractions <5,000 visitors, Self catering, B&B & Hotel upto 4 rooms, <15 camping pitches, Small group activity providers, Aires site & Equipment Hirers, Community Events

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, all applicable areas of website
  • Social media features
  • Blog features
  • Inclusion in consumer newsletter
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

Category A2

Restaurants, Attractions >5,001 visitors, guided tours, retreats, Upto 4 self-catering properties, B&B & Hotels 5 - 10 rooms, >15 camping pitches, Events Venue, Annual Ticketed Events

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, all applicable areas of website
  • Social media features
  • Blog & influencer features
  • Inclusion in consumer newsletter
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Travel Trade Directory inclusion
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing
  • PR Support
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

Category A3

Attractions >20,001 visitors, 10+ Rooms, Independent Distilleries, Annual Ticketed Events

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, all applicable areas of website
  • Social media features
  • Blog & influencer features
  • Inclusion in consumer newsletter
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Travel Trade Directory inclusion & representation
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing
  • PR Support
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

Category A4

Attractions >50,000 visitors, 25+ rooms, National and International Distillers

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, all applicable areas of website
  • Social media features
  • Blog & influencer features
  • Inclusion in consumer newsletter
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Travel Trade Directory inclusion
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing
  • PR Support
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

Category A5

Holiday Resorts, Multiple sites, Large Campsites with facilities, International Distillers, Annual Ticketed Events

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, all applicable areas of website
  • Social media features
  • Blog & influencer features
  • Inclusion in consumer newsletter
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Travel Trade Directory inclusion
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing
  • PR Support
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

C1 - Argyll Sole Trader Suppliers

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, supplier area of website
  • Promotion through member newsletter
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing (visitor facing)
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

C2 - Mid Size Argyll Based Suppliers

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, supplier area of website
  • Promotion through member newsletter
  • Opportunity to exhibit at Annual Summit
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing (visitor facing)
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

C3 - National & International Suppliers

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link, supplier area of website
  • Promotion through member newsletter
  • Opportunity to exhibit at Annual Summit
  • Discounted Summit ticket
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Free events listing (visitor facing)
Price on Application
Join Now

Regional Tour Operator

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link in all relevant locations
  • Social media features
  • Blog & influencer features
  • Discounted summit ticket
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Listing on AITC travel trade directory
  • AITC is a member of UK Inbound; signposting to relevant insights
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

National Tour Operator

Key Benefits

  • Web listing with business link in all relevant locations
  • Social media features
  • Blog & influencer features
  • Discounted summit ticket
  • Free & discounted skills training
  • Listing on AITC travel trade directory
  • AITC is a member of UK Inbound; signposting to relevant insights
Annual Fee (Exc. VAT)
Join Now

Become a Wild About Argyll Member

How to get involved

It’s easy to become a member today. Our team is ready to support you at each stage of the process, so why not get started:

  1. Select your chosen membership tier.
  2. Complete the basic membership information form.
  3. Pay your membership fee either by monthly direct debit. Payment by invoice is also available. Please contact us if you wish to discuss.**
  4. Someone from our membership team will then be in touch to get you started!

**Please note that if payment is not received within one month of receiving your invoice, your membership will be cancelled and benefits removed. 

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Background image - Stalker Castle

Find out more

We are here to give our members the competitive edge they need to thrive.

For this reason, we offer a comprehensive range of benefits and services specifically for members, over and above the wider industry representation function that we also perform.

If you're still uncertain which membership type is right for you, please get in touch using the Contact Us page.

You can also download our full membership pack below.
