Journal update from the islands close to their home in Oban

Lou & Ryan explore their local islands: Kerrera, Lismore and Slate Islands

Day 1: Arrival on Lismore
We set off from Oban with high spirits, boarding the ferry to Lismore. The journey across Loch Linnhe was beautiful. I love seeing the sea reflecting the clear blue sky - yes, I had a good weather day!

On arrival, we immediately felt at home. The lush greenery and calm atmosphere felt good for the soul after some busy months at work for both Ryan and I. We checked into a quaint B&B run by a friendly local family.

After settling in, we explored the historical sites, including the ancient broch and the ruins of Castle Coeffin. Being avid walkers, we ventured the sites for a bit longer to take some pictures and explore the views.

Lunch time at one of the local cáfes was great to refuel. The homemade soup hit the spot and chatting to the owner was lovely as she explained how she only uses local ingredients in all her dishes. We generally find most local eateries have this sense of pride about only sourcing local produce. And there’s plenty of it!

Leisurely walk along the coastal paths to take in the views and some west coast sea air.

After taking the ferry back to Oban, we finished off the day with a seafood dinner looking over the pier. Scallops and langoustines were on the Specials Board. We are in the Seafood Capital of Scotland after all!

Day 2: Exploring Kerrera
We took the morning ferry to Kerrera, excited to visit the Gylen Castle and hike its coastal trails. The castle, perched dramatically on a cliff, was a great spot for taking in the breathtaking views. Later, we wandered through the island’s trails, enjoying the mix of wildlife around. It's such a rugged island which we both find extremely beautiful.

Loving our food, as well as our walks, meant it was time for a bite of lunch at the local Tea Garden – a charming wee spot with homemade goodies and teas. The Scones were a hit with Ryan!

We researched some hidden coves and asked the locals about walks nearby, so we set off again ready to uncover some beauty spots and hopeful for a dip in the water too. We barely saw another soul on our walks, mostly wildlife and enjoying the peace and quiet.

A short ferry back to Oban, a freshen up then off out to dinner again. A hearty meal of local pies and craft beer was choice tonight! There was local musicians playing too – great wee atmosphere.

Day 3: Cycling on Luing
We headed to the Slate Islands, starting with Luing. We cycled around the island, enjoying the scenery and remoteness as it was so quiet. The Atlantic Islands Centre offered interesting facts into local history and geology. A great mixed day learning and just relaxing! The café in the centre was great for lunch too, as we skipped breakfast for an early start.

We were quite surprised by Luing – we’ll definitely return here for a day trip again.

Day 4: Exploring Seil and Easdale
Today was all about Seil and Easdale. Crossing the Bridge Over the Atlantic to Seil was something I had always wanted to do. We took a boat trip around the coastline, fascinated by the amount of marine life and geological features which the boat trip organisers pointed out. We even spotted some seals basking on the rocks.

We knew the local pub was a good choice for lunch. A local in Oban told us the night before, that it was a good spot for a cost atmosphere and tasty dishes. The seafood chowder was a highlight!

We then headed to Easdale to see the historic slate quarries, offering a rich blend of history and natural beauty. A nice place to wander away some time. Afternoon tea was next up at the nearby bar and restaurant which had stunning views out of the water.

Of course we finished off our 4 day break with another great meal out in Oban. 4 days of walking and eating. Yes, we would definitely recommend this to all our friends! We’ve loved these small trips through the smaller islands and Slate Islands - they've felt magical.

— Lou & Ryan


*This content is brought to you by some fictional characters, but based on real island trips by our visitors.

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Enjoy an accessible island experience from Oban by taking a short ferry to Kerrera from Gallanach

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Take the road south of Oban, cross the Bridge over the Atlantic to Seil, Easdale and Luing.

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Take a short ferry journey from Oban or Port Appin, for wildlife, fascinating historical sites and glorious views.

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