Summer surfing in Kintyre

Kintyre is a surfing gem, providing waves for all abilities. A narrow window between the north tip of Ireland and the southern point of Islay allows Atlantic swell through to hit the west coast. From Machrihanish to Glenbarr, beautiful beaches convert the swell into waves fit for beginners and experts alike. 

Surfing in Kintyre

As we approach the summer months, the warmer weather approaches, the sea begins to warm a little and conditions mellow. It’s time to get in the water! At 10 degrees Celsius in May, you’ll still need a thick winter wetsuit and boots, although on a calm sunny day you can do without the gloves and hood which, whilst keeping you vitally warm, will have restricted your senses and made surfing a little clumsier during the colder months. 

Surfing conditions in Kintyre

From June until August, the waves will tend to be smaller, sometimes dwindling to little or nothing for periods. For the last couple of years, there have been few days when there is nothing at all to play on, and the smaller waves can be a lot of fun! The beach population swells as people feel the warmth and yearn to feel the sand between their toes.

Numbers in the water will rise too, but rarely to the point of being crowded. And there are summer gems to be found on the quieter stretches, even on the most crowded summer day. 

Learning how to Surf? Head to kintyre this summer!

Gentler conditions make summer a perfect time for learning to surf. As a beginner, stick to the main spots at Westport and Machrihanish. Surf equipment hire and lessons, as well as local advice, are available from us at Pete’s Surf School and Hire all through the summer, based at Westport Beach. 

Post surf treats all around

Post-surfing, good food and drink is the order of the day. From Westport Beach, why not travel north to Bellochantuy and the Argyll Hotel, where you can get lovely food right on the beach? A couple of miles further on is Glenbarr Stores, offering amazing treats and a great cup of coffee whilst you browse the stores and garden shop. South of Westport is the Tin Roof Diner, where your hardest job will be to pick which of the lovely dishes on offer to go for.

Surf Safety First!

  • Be careful though – this is the Atlantic, and you should always take certain precautions before getting in the water: 
  • Have the right equipment for your ability and the conditions, in good order.
  • Make sure you know about the hazards at the beach and in the water – a surf lesson will teach you about this. Ask the advice of local people. 
  • Don’t go in alone, or at least have someone observing you from the beach. 
  • If in doubt, don’t go in.

This way, you’ll have a ball and stay safe! 

Looking for a different water activity?

There's plenty of choice for adventure on the water in Kintyre! Kintyre Seasports in Campbeltown offers a selection of sailing and powerboating experiences – they're the perfect way to have a great day out and try something new. See Campbeltown from a unique angle and make memories that will last a long time. 

Summer – the perfect chance to sample surfing on the lovely beaches of Kintyre. See you in the water!